This model is a work in progress. Image donations to help complete this model can be made at…
Monuments, Fashion, Sculpture, Murals
Triptych mural, untitled (1954) by Francisco Navarro (1923 - 1985). Located at the University City of…
Untitled Mural (1956) by Victor Valera (1927-2013). Located at the University City in Caracas, Venezuela.…
Sin Título (1950, estudio anatómico) by Francisco Narváez (1905-1982). Located at the University City…
Sin Titulo (1954) by Alejandro Otero (1921-1990). Located at the University City in Caracas, Venezuela.…
Miguel Arroyo "Murales texturales" (mural with textures), located at the Galia Workshop.
Alirio Oramas "Progresión rítmica en tres movimientos" (Ritmic Progression in Three Movements). This…
Mural Curvo (1954) by Mateo Manaure. Located at the University City in Caracas, Venezuela. Photo registry…
Sin Título (1956) by Víctor Valera (1927 - 2013), located at the University City of Caracas, Venezuela.…
Sin Titulo (1954) by Alejandro Otero (1926 - 2014), located at University City in Caracas, Venezuela.…
Mateo Manaure. Straight and curved lines in black yellow and green, with three circle-shaped figures…
Carlos Gonzalez Bogen. Triangles blue, black and yellow on a grey background.
The mural print is a chromatic variety to the exterior of the UCV Olympic Stadium. It was created in…
Description Pending
Unfinished/Needs Clean-up Description Pending
Un Elemento Estático en Cinco Posiciones (1954) by Oswaldo Vigas (1926 - 2014) located at the University…
Composicion Estática — Composición Dinámica (1954) by Oswaldo Vigas. Located at the University City…
Armando Barrios Mural (1920-1999) located on the outside of the covered grandstand of the Olympic Stadium…
Positivo - Negativo (1954) by Víctor Vasarely, located at University City, Caracas in Venezuela. Photographic…
The Maternity (1954) by Baltazar Lobo. Located at the University City in Caracas, Venezuela. Photo registry…
Arc/k Project, a nonprofit 501(c)(3)