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The Brotherhood of the Blessed Sacrament of the Dancing Devils of Yare, The masks are pieces made of…
Includes Barinas, Maracay and San Cristóbal
The “Virgen del Carmen” Grotto is a niche built with river stones, concrete, and adobe by the people…
This school opened in 1961 as El Hatillo Pre-K Institute. In 1962, the school became an Elementary School…
Carlos Zerpa began his Skulls series in New York in 1993. Created with ceramic, jewels, paint, and embedded…
Ms Paula’s Grocery Store This small corner store was founded by Ms. Paula Noriega Deguias, a neighbor…
This sculpture by Javier Level, is inspired by his soulmate Roselia, who is a shamanic therapist and…
Juan Pablo Rojas Paul (26 November 1826 – 22 July 1905) was Venezuela's first civilian president in…
The Chapel Santa Rosalia, for years, was the center of religious meeting of the parishioners of El Hatillo…
This model is incomplete and more image donations are needed! Donate images at…
Traspasando el umbral (1984) by Colette Delozanne. Located in Maracay, Venezuela. Photo registry by…
Since the 1970's this wooden cross names the square where is located, Plaza La Cruz. The square is the…
Arc/k Project, a nonprofit 501(c)(3)