Triptych mural, untitled (1954) by Francisco Navarro (1923 - 1985). Located at the University City of…
Untitled Mural (1956) by Victor Valera (1927-2013). Located at the University City in Caracas, Venezuela.…
Sin Título (1950, estudio anatómico) by Francisco Narváez (1905-1982). Located at the University City…
Sin Titulo (1954) by Alejandro Otero (1921-1990). Located at the University City in Caracas, Venezuela.…
Miguel Arroyo "Murales texturales" (mural with textures), located at the Galia Workshop.
Alirio Oramas "Progresión rítmica en tres movimientos" (Ritmic Progression in Three Movements). This…
The Wall Along Wilshire features ten sections of the original Berlin Wall. Measuring nearly forty feet…
Mural Curvo (1954) by Mateo Manaure. Located at the University City in Caracas, Venezuela. Photo registry…
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