Silla de Bazos (III)
Owned by the Valencian hero Dr. Miguel Peña (1781-1833). Donated to the Colonial Art Museum of Caracas at Quinta de Anauco, Venezuela in 1978.

Virgen Immaculada Concepción
Pavilo hair, glued and plastered fabric, Church of Caraballeda. Crown of Francisco Landaeta, piece of gilded silver and doublets. It was the titular image of the church of Caraballeda acquired in 1952. Figure in the Expo of the MBA in 1956. Donation Carlo…

Tarro de Tabaco (Version 2)
White Pottery with metal lid and decorative flowers, vegetable, geometric and scroll work blue decorations. In the center is written "FARINAS".

Monumento a Los Caídos de la Generación del 28
Bronze monument to commemorate the Generation of 1928, a group of Venezuelan students who took to the streets to protest against Dictator Juan Vicente Gomez. Inscription: “To the Memory of the Disappeared Members of the Generation of 1928 - The Central University…

Plato Porcelana China
Model is a Work in Progress Description Pending

Portaviáticos (II) (Open)
*** This model is a work in progress *** Description Pending

Garden and Fountain - Quinta de Anauco
Façade of the Quinta de Anauco with tile roof and garden typical of a colonial country house. It reflects the simplicity and elegance of Venezuelan architecture in the Hispanic period.