Cuna Para Un Niño Jesús
Crib for Baby Jesus by Antonio Mateo de Los Reyes (circa 1755). Located at the Colonial Art Museum at Anauco House in Caracas, Venezuela. Photo registry by Rosa Ana Langerano in April 2018.

Estatua de José María Vargas
Standing statue of Dr. Jose María Vargas (1786-1854), the first civil president of Venezuela. He is portrayed with his right hand under his coat, and his left hand holding a book with the word "Sculapio" written on its cover. As a physician and man of science,…

Virgen del Carmen (with cameras)
This small sculpture intended to be clothed, carved in cedar, is a sample of the religious devotion in domestic life during the Colonial period. The piece was covered with stucco and painted in the upper part of the body. Clothes were manufactured fabric.…