Siluetas en Relieve
- Siluetas en Relieve (1956) by Jean Arp (1886-1966). Located at the University City in Caracas, Venezuela. Photo registry done by Carlos Ancheta & Jonathan Martínez. This piece is a part of the collection “Synthesis of the Arts” at the University City of Caracas,…
Sin Titulo, Vitral de Braulio Salazar, Antigua Escuela de Enfermería
- Braulio Salazar. Stained glass window with squares r color panels in a geometric pattern.
Sin Titulo, Mural de Alejandro Otero, Auditorio Facultad de Ingenieria
- Alejandro Otero. Blue, red, black, and yellow vertical stripes over a dark grey background.
Sin Titulo, Fachada de Mateo Manaure, Facultad de Ciencias
- Mateo Manaure. Mural with geometrical shapes like gears on relief, with white and shades of gray over a black background.
Sin Titulo, Mural a Doble Piso de Carlos Gonzalez Bogen, Plaza Cubierta, Aula Magna
- Carlos Gonzalez Bogen. Rectangles and stripes in shades of gray, yellow and black on a white background. The mural extends from top to bottom on a wall behind a stairway