“Motherhood” by Francisco Narváez (1905-1982). Bronze casting with golden patina. It is located in the lobby of the exhibition hall of the House of Culture. Photographic record made in Maracay Edo Aragua by Frank Araujo and Ysrael Gomez on 01/04/2018. This…

Bust of Emperor Commodus
Roman Emperor Commodus, or Caesar Marcus Aurelius Commodus Antoninus Augustus, was emperor from 177-192. His brutal misrule precipitated civil strife that ended 84 years of stability and prosperity within the empire.

Chernobyl Sarcophagus Memorial
This sculpture of cupped hands holding a power plant was erected in 2006 just outside of Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant #4 which was the site of the April 1986 nuclear energy disaster. The monument is dedicated to the remembrance of the heroic actions of plant…

Pastor de Nubes o Formas de Lutin
Pastor de Nubes o Formas de Lutin (Pastor of Clouds or Forms of Lutin);"Pastor de Nubes o Formas de Lutin (1953) by Jean Arp in front of a bimural by Mateo Manaure (1954). Located at the University City in Caracas, Venezuela. Photo registry done by Jennifer…

La Ciencia
La Ciencia (1950) by Francisco Narváez. Located at the University City in Caracas, Venezuela. Photo registry by Félix León and Xiomara Gonzalez in February 2018. Dimensions: 445 x 1065 cm. This piece is a part of the collection "Synthesis of the Arts" at…

Simon Bolivar Monument (Táchira, Venezuela) (with cameras)
Simon Bolivar monument. Located in the Palace of The Lions, seat of the Legislative Council of the Táchira State in Venezuela. Photo registry by George Castellano.