Pintura de Juan Pablo Rojas Paúl
Juan Pablo Rojas Paul (26 November 1826 – 22 July 1905) was Venezuela's first civilian president in 50 years that was chosen via constitutional process. Serving from 2 July 1888 – 19 March 1890 he was the last president to complete their full term for the…

Capilla El Calvario
The Chapel Santa Rosalia, for years, was the center of religious meeting of the parishioners of El Hatillo until the Santa Rosalia church in Palermo was built. Today, the temple remains closed, it only opens its doors during Holy Week and during the celebration…

Large Planter (Hollyhock House)
Large planter outside the front of the Hollyhock House. The hollyhock is used as a central theme to the house, with many symmetrical decorations adapting the plant’s general appearance. Planters are decorated with the motif and filled with the plants themselves,…