Work made in embossed metal, chiseled and gilded. Circular base decorated with carved plant motifs. A carved column that culminates with two heads of angels on which is a ring with rays representing the sun. In the end, it ends with a cross.

Icelandic Riverbed
Drone photogrammetry of a glacier section in Iceland. Shot with a Canon 5Ds

Gruta Virgen del Carmen y Fachada Escuela Maria May
This school opened in 1961 as El Hatillo Pre-K Institute. In 1962, the school became an Elementary School and changed its name to Maria May School, honoring Maria May (1882-1971), a beloved school teacher remembered by the oldest members of the community.…

Located in the Andes mountains, Mérida is one of the oldest cities in Venezuela, founded in 1558. It has the first university in the country and abundant public bronze statuary. Local heritage is currently at risk due to an increase of metal thefts.