Viking Head Sculpture
This is photogrammetry of the giant stone head in front of the “Viking World” museum in Iceland. This 2013 commission was by artist Jón Adolf Steinólfsson. It was planned to be part of the stone giant as depicted in the Icelandic coat of arms. The original…

Cultural Heritage of Syria
Palmyra, Dead Cities, Ma'ara, Krak des Chevaliers

The capital of Venezuela, Caracas is a city that gathers testimonies from Colonial times, innovative modern proposals from the 1950's, buildings from the oil boom of the 1970s, as well as informal settlements.

San Francisco de Yare
A small town well known for the way it celebrates the Feast of Corpus Christi: Groups of people dance disguised as masked devils commemorating the presence of Christ in the Sacrament. This ancestral tradition is a UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

United States Spacesuit (Lunar Mode)
Photogrammetry of a USA spacesuit replica from the Apollo 11 space mission set up for lunar exploration.