Sin Titulo, Vitral de Alejandro Otero, 1954 (III) (Version 2B)
Sin Titulo (1954) by Alejandro Otero (1926 - 2014), located at University City in Caracas, Venezuela. The Photographic record was made by Daniel Zambrano and Cruz Sojo in February 2018. This piece is a part of the collection “Synthesis of the Arts” at the…

Sin Titulo, Vitral de Alejandro Otero (exterior), 1954 (II)
Sin Título (1954) by Alejandro Otero (1926 - 2014), located at University City in Caracas, Venezuela. The photographic record was made by Martín Uztáriz in February 2018. This piece is a part of the collection “Synthesis of the Arts” at the University City…