José Vicente Nucete (Version 3) (with cameras)
José Vicente Nucete (1977) by the sculptor Manuel de la Fuente Muñoz, located in the El Rincón de los Poetas park in the city of Mérida, Venezuela. Photographic record made in Mérida, Venezuela by Marinela Araque Rivero and Samuel Leonardo Hurtado Camargo,…

El Dinamismo en 30 Grados
El Dinamismo en 30 Grados, 1953 by Antoine Pervsner (1866-1962). Located at the University City in Caracas, Venezuela. Photo registry by Carlos Ancheta and Jonathan Martinez in February 2018. This piece is a part of the collection "Synthesis of the Arts" at…

Cabeza de Cristo (Version 2)
Cabeza de Cristo by anonymous (Trujillo, 17th century). Located at the Colonial Art Museum at Anauco House in Caracas, Venezuela. Photo registry by Rosa Ana Langerano in April 2018.

Monumento a José Antonio Páez (Plaza Páez, Barinas)
This bronze sculpture was created by an unknown artist as a replacement for the previous sculpture made of marble, by the Italian sculptor Emilio Gariboldi. The original bust was commissioned to Gariboldi in 1925 for a town square in Barinas City to commemorate…

Traspasando el Umbral
Traspasando el umbral (1984) by Colette Delozanne. Located in Maracay, Venezuela. Photo registry by Frank Araujo and Ysrael Gómez. Approximate dimensions 160 x 130 x 96 cm.

Viking Head Sculpture
This is photogrammetry of the giant stone head in front of the “Viking World” museum in Iceland. This 2013 commission was by artist Jón Adolf Steinólfsson. It was planned to be part of the stone giant as depicted in the Icelandic coat of arms. The original…

Cuna Para Un Niño Jesús
Crib for Baby Jesus by Antonio Mateo de Los Reyes (circa 1755). Located at the Colonial Art Museum at Anauco House in Caracas, Venezuela. Photo registry by Rosa Ana Langerano in April 2018.