Teaching Materials - IPhone7 Relief Constant Lights
Arc/k Photogrammetry Teaching Materials Notes: Photogrammetry test 02/28/2018, Krista Benson, IPhone 7 JPG images, constant lights 5500 Kelvin, grid shooting style hand held

The Goddess Sekhmet (Version 2) (with cameras)
Arc/k Photogrammetry Training Materials Photogrammetry Example: Galaxy S8 Notes: Photogrammetry test, Krista Benson, 02/28/2018, in studio constant lights 5500 Kelvin, Galaxy S8, JPG, resolution 4032x3024, Turntable shooting method

Cross of San Clemente (Version 2) (with cameras)
Arc/k Teaching Materials This model is a work in progress. Image donations to help complete this model can be made at https://digital-content-donation.arck-project.org/ St. Clement’s Cross marks the spot where the first mass was officiated in South America…

Brass Fixture (with cameras)
Teaching Materials - Photogrammetry test of brass fixture

Bisonte (1984) (with cameras)
Bisonte (1984) by Alberto Guédez. Located at the entrance of MAGMA (Museo de Arte Contempráneo Mario Abreu, de Maracay Estado Aragua) in Maracay, Venezuela. Photo registry done by Frank Araujo and Ysrael Gómez in February 2018.