San Rafael de Mucuchíes Chapel (exterior) (High Resolution)
This model is incomplete and more image donations are needed! Donate images at Stone Chapel (1984), by Juan Félix Sánchez, Venezuelan artist. Located in San Rafael de Mucuchíes, Mérida state, Venezuela.…

Traspasando el Umbral
Traspasando el umbral (1984) by Colette Delozanne. Located in Maracay, Venezuela. Photo registry by Frank Araujo and Ysrael Gómez. Approximate dimensions 160 x 130 x 96 cm.

Other Locations in Venezuela
Includes Barinas, Maracay and San Cristóbal

The capital of Venezuela, Caracas is a city that gathers testimonies from Colonial times, innovative modern proposals from the 1950's, buildings from the oil boom of the 1970s, as well as informal settlements.