Traspasando el Umbral
Traspasando el umbral (1984) by Colette Delozanne. Located in Maracay, Venezuela. Photo registry by Frank Araujo and Ysrael Gómez. Approximate dimensions 160 x 130 x 96 cm.

Tumba de Héctor Tapia
Tomb of Héctor Tapia (1912). Located at El Carmen Cemetery in Barinas, Venezuela. Photo registry by Marinela Araque Rivero and Samuel Leonardo Hurtado Camargo in April 2018.

Tumba de Samuel Martínez
Marble tomb with recumbent full-length statue.

Other Locations in Venezuela
Includes Barinas, Maracay and San Cristóbal

The capital of Venezuela, Caracas is a city that gathers testimonies from Colonial times, innovative modern proposals from the 1950's, buildings from the oil boom of the 1970s, as well as informal settlements.

San Francisco de Yare
A small town well known for the way it celebrates the Feast of Corpus Christi: Groups of people dance disguised as masked devils commemorating the presence of Christ in the Sacrament. This ancestral tradition is a UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.