Niño Jesús de una Virgen de La Candelaria
Niño Jesús, artist unknown (late 18th century). Located at the Colonial Art Museum at Anauco House in Caracas, Venezuela. Photo registry by Consuelo Andara in April 2018.

Niño Jesús Statuette (I)
Niño Jesús, artist unknown (late 18th century). Located at the Colonial Art Museum at Anauco House in Caracas, Venezuela. Photo registry by Consuelo Andara in April 2018.

Nicho Para Niño Jesús
Wood carved, sgraffito and gilded. The piece has a parallelepiped shape, on 4 carved legs. Four faces are glass, the front face is carved with stylized vegetables simulating a column. The lateral faces are sgraffito as well the back cover on its inner side…

Negra Hipólita Statue (1996)
Negra Hipólita by Alexis Mujica (1996). Located at the Collection FMN (Fundación Museos Nacionales), custody of GAN (Galería de Arte Nacional) in Caracas,Venezuela. Dimensions: 165 x 70 x 70 cm. Photo registry done by Luis Chacín in August, 2017.

Negativo (1956) by: Víctor Valera (1927-2013). Located at the University City in Caracas, Venezuela. Photo registry by Xiomara González and Félix León in February 2018. This piece is a part of the collection “Synthesis of the Arts” at the University City of…

Máscara Mortuoria de Luis Razetti
Post-mortem bronze cast of Dr. Luis Razetti (1862-1932). Along with Dr. Jose Maria Vargas, Dr. Razetti is an important figure in the history of Venezuelan medicine. He was a teacher, medical reformer and a founder of modern surgery in Venezuela; where he was…