Arc/k Photogrammetry Training Materials Coco Chocolatera at Quinta de Anauco (1797). Located at the…
El Estrado. Located at the Colonial Art Museum at Anauco House in Caracas, Venezuela. Photo registry…
Tiara de San Pedro, attributed to Pedro Ignacio Ramos (mid-18th century). Located at the Colonial Art…
Tocador, artist unknown (Patzcuaro, Michuacán, México, 18th century). Located at the Colonial Art Museum…
Wooden chest with wooden geometric decorations in the shape of diamonds, in three colors of wood. It…
This cedar wood furniture is carved and gilded, shaped as a funerary bed. Piece rococo style that is…
White Pottery with metal lid and decorative flowers, vegetables, geometric and scroll work blue decorations.…
Nuestra Señora del Transito by José Francisco Rodríguez (late 18th century). Located at the Colonial…
La Cochera (The Garage) at Quinta de Anauco (1797). Located at the Colonial Art Museum at Anauco House…
Niño Jesús, artist unknown (late 18th century). Located at the Colonial Art Museum at Anauco House in…
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