Description Pending
Photogrammetry of a brass artifact
Bust of the architect Manuel Mujica Millán (1982) by Raúl Sanchez is located in the municipality of…
Francisco Antonio Uzcátegui (1915) (unknown artist). Located on Urdaneta Avenua at the former headquarters…
This monument is a tribute to the consecrated poet and writer Raúl Chuecos Picón from Mérida, Venezuela.…
Abstract Wood Sculpture (year unknown) by Francisco Narváez. Located at the Collection FMN (Fundación…
This monument to the painter Cristóbal Rojas (1858 - 1890) is at the front of the Cristóbal Rojas School…
Teaching Materials La Ciencia (1950) by Francisco Narváez. Located at the University City in Caracas,…
Arc/k Project, a nonprofit 501(c)(3)