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Bust of the architect Manuel Mujica Millán (1982) by Raúl Sanchez is located in the municipality of…
Located at the Paseo de la Lectura of the Albarregas Metropolitan Park in the city of Mérida, this monument…
This monument is a tribute to the consecrated poet and writer Raúl Chuecos Picón from Mérida, Venezuela.…
Sin Titulo (1954) by Alejandro Otero (1921-1990). Located at the University City in Caracas, Venezuela.…
This monument to the painter Cristóbal Rojas (1858 - 1890) is at the front of the Cristóbal Rojas School…
The Brotherhood of the Blessed Sacrament of the Dancing Devils of Yare, The masks are pieces made of…
Monument to Tulio Gonzalo Salas (1977) by the sculptor Manuel de la Fuente Muñoz, located in the El…
This is a monument to the poet, writer, essayist, lawyer, journalist and university professor Vincente…
José Vicente Nucete (1977) by the sculptor Manuel de la Fuente Muñoz, located in the El Rincón de los…
Artwork made with acrylic on five canvases of different sizes. Gregorio Boscan uses color and textures…
Simon Bolivar monument. Located in the Palace of The Lions, seat of the Legislative Council of the Táchira…
The “Virgen del Carmen” Grotto is a niche built with river stones, concrete, and adobe by the people…
This school opened in 1961 as El Hatillo Pre-K Institute. In 1962, the school became an Elementary School…
Carlos Zerpa began his Skulls series in New York in 1993. Created with ceramic, jewels, paint, and embedded…
Monument to José Vicente Nucete (1977) by the sculptor Manuel de la Fuente Muñoz, located in the El…
Percussion Instrument used by the Dancing Devils of Yare. Photo registry by Gustavo Marcano during the…
Arc/k Project, a nonprofit 501(c)(3)