Type 1 Japanese kaiten in the collection of the Naval History and Heritage Command; photographed while…
This model is a work in progress. Image donations to help complete this model can be made at https://digital-content-donation.arck-project.org/…
Photogrammetry of a Lunar boot replica from a USA space suit worn during the Apollo 11 mission
Arc/k Photogrammetry Training Materials Notes: Photogrammetry test Krista Benson , 02/27/2018 in studio…
Inside a cave in Iceland, near Snaefellsjökull. Photogrammetry solve.
Description Pending
Boulder Dash Tests
Monuments, Fashion, Sculpture, Murals
Photogrammetry of a brass artifact
Bust of the architect Manuel Mujica Millán (1982) by Raúl Sanchez is located in the municipality of…
Francisco Antonio Uzcátegui (1915) (unknown artist). Located on Urdaneta Avenua at the former headquarters…
Located at the Paseo de la Lectura of the Albarregas Metropolitan Park in the city of Mérida, this monument…
This monument is a tribute to the consecrated poet and writer Raúl Chuecos Picón from Mérida, Venezuela.…
Triptych mural, untitled (1954) by Francisco Navarro (1923 - 1985). Located at the University City of…
Untitled Mural (1956) by Victor Valera (1927-2013). Located at the University City in Caracas, Venezuela.…
Sin Título (1950, estudio anatómico) by Francisco Narváez (1905-1982). Located at the University City…
Sin Titulo (1954) by Alejandro Otero (1921-1990). Located at the University City in Caracas, Venezuela.…
Abstract Wood Sculpture (year unknown) by Francisco Narváez. Located at the Collection FMN (Fundación…
Arc/k Photogrammetry Training Materials Coco Chocolatera at Quinta de Anauco (1797). Located at the…
El Estrado. Located at the Colonial Art Museum at Anauco House in Caracas, Venezuela. Photo registry…
Tiara de San Pedro, attributed to Pedro Ignacio Ramos (mid-18th century). Located at the Colonial Art…
Americans Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin landed on the moon July 20, 1969. Armstrong became the first…
Tocador, artist unknown (Patzcuaro, Michuacán, México, 18th century). Located at the Colonial Art Museum…
Training Materials, Tests, Works in Progress
Wooden chest with wooden geometric decorations in the shape of diamonds, in three colors of wood. It…
Miguel Arroyo "Murales texturales" (mural with textures), located at the Galia Workshop.
Alirio Oramas "Progresión rítmica en tres movimientos" (Ritmic Progression in Three Movements). This…
This cedar wood furniture is carved and gilded, shaped as a funerary bed. Piece rococo style that is…
White Pottery with metal lid and decorative flowers, vegetables, geometric and scroll work blue decorations.…
Photogrammetry test, Krista Benson 02/27/2018, In studio constant lighting 5500 Kelvin, IPHONE 7, JPG,…
Arc/k Photogrammetry Training Materials Notes: Photogrammetry test, Ken Stranahan, 02/28/2018, Galaxy…
Underwater Tests
Nuestra Señora del Transito by José Francisco Rodríguez (late 18th century). Located at the Colonial…
Container to store ingredients to prepare medicines. It is cylindrical and narrowed in the center. Decorated…
This monument to the painter Cristóbal Rojas (1858 - 1890) is at the front of the Cristóbal Rojas School…
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