La Casa de la Cultura de Yare
The House of Culture. Located in Plaza Bolívar in Yare, Venezuela. Photo registry by Luis Chacín, Luis Duarte, and Gustavo Marcano during the Dancing Devils ritual on May 19, 2018. The Dancing Devils of Yare is a religious festivity celebrated in San Francisco…

Fuente Interna - Quinta de Anauco, Museo de Arte Colonial de Caracas
Fountain (19th century) located at the Colonial Art Museum at Anauco House in Caracas, Venezuela. Photo registry by Douglas Segovia in April 2018.

Benches and Garden - Quinta de Anauco
Side garden of the Quinta de Anauco. As the property was a hacienda house, there are outdoor spaces for gathering. It has concrete benches. The house and gardens are typical of the civil architecture of eighteenth-century Venezuela.