El Escritorio o Gabinete
A desk/cabinet. Located at the Colonial Art Museum at Anauco House in Caracas, Venezuela. Photo registry by Nicolás Serrano in April 2018.

El Estrado
El Estrado. Located at the Colonial Art Museum at Anauco House in Caracas, Venezuela. Photo registry by Manuel Ochoa, Nicolás Serrano, and Nano Baquero in April 2018.

Hall de la Biblioteca Central y Vitral de Fernand Leger
The hall of the Main Library at the University City of Caracas is a large entrance to the Library with a double high space, a wall and a column covered in wood and a floor to ceiling stained glass artwork by Fernand Leger (Sin Título, 1954). The stained glass…

Indentured Servant Building (Moab area)
Photogrammetry of an abandoned indentured servants’ building in a remote area of Moab, Utah.

Small oratory about 6 m wide by 4 m deep and 5 m high, with a sloping wooden roof from which hangs an antique lamp. It contains sacred pieces and 18th century furniture. It has an elaborate polychromatic altarpiece and friar armchairs of the Colonial era.

Sin Titulo, Mural a Doble Piso de Carlos Gonzalez Bogen, Plaza Cubierta, Aula Magna
Carlos Gonzalez Bogen. Rectangles and stripes in shades of gray, yellow and black on a white background. The mural extends from top to bottom on a wall behind a stairway

Sin Titulo, Mural de Alirio Oramas (Mural A and B)
Alirio Oramas "Progresión rítmica en tres movimientos" (Ritmic Progression in Three Movements). This mural in two adjoingin walls, has three parts. From left to right: 1) Dotted pattern in primary colors with a white background and black lines in a pattern…