Traspasando el Umbral
Traspasando el umbral (1984) by Colette Delozanne. Located in Maracay, Venezuela. Photo registry by Frank Araujo and Ysrael Gómez. Approximate dimensions 160 x 130 x 96 cm.

Pintura de Juan Pablo Rojas Paúl
Juan Pablo Rojas Paul (26 November 1826 – 22 July 1905) was Venezuela's first civilian president in 50 years that was chosen via constitutional process. Serving from 2 July 1888 – 19 March 1890 he was the last president to complete their full term for the…

The object is made of burned metal and openwork. It is a fine piece of jewelry that responds to the neoclassical style by the simplicity of the shape and decoration through carved leaves. Its creator Cayetano Buitrón, was a recognized goldsmith, active in…

Gruta Virgen del Carmen y Fachada Escuela Maria May
This school opened in 1961 as El Hatillo Pre-K Institute. In 1962, the school became an Elementary School and changed its name to Maria May School, honoring Maria May (1882-1971), a beloved school teacher remembered by the oldest members of the community.…

Fachada Escuela Maria May
This school opened in 1961 as El Hatillo Pre-K Institute. In 1962, the school became an Elementary School and changed its name to Maria May School, honoring Maria May (1882-1971), a beloved school teacher remembered for the oldest members of the community.…