La Casa de la Cultura de Yare (with cameras)
The House of Culture. Located in Plaza Bolívar in Yare, Venezuela. Photo registry by Luis Chacín, Luis Duarte, and Gustavo Marcano during the Dancing Devils ritual on May 19, 2018. The Dancing Devils of Yare is a religious festivity celebrated in San Francisco…

José Vicente Nucete (Version 3) (with cameras)
José Vicente Nucete (1977) by the sculptor Manuel de la Fuente Muñoz, located in the El Rincón de los Poetas park in the city of Mérida, Venezuela. Photographic record made in Mérida, Venezuela by Marinela Araque Rivero and Samuel Leonardo Hurtado Camargo,…

Humberto Tejera (Version 4) (with cameras)
Monument to Humberto Tejera (1981) by the sculptor Manuel de la Fuente Muñoz, located in the El Rincón de los Poetas park in the city of Mérida, Venezuela. Photographic record made in Mérida, Venezuela by Marinela Araque Rivero and Samuel Leonardo Hurtado…

Humberto Tejera (Version 3) (with cameras)
This is a monument to the poet, writer, essayist, lawyer, journalist and university professor Vincente José Humberto Tejera Hernandez-Bello (1890-1971), better known as Humberto Tejera. His prolific works include Los Gomez and the judiciary in Venezuela (Panama,…

Egyptian Engraving (Version 3) (with cameras)
Photogrammetry test. Krista Benson, 02/28/2018, iPhone 7, JPG images, no added lights, indoor fluorescents

Egyptian Engraving (Version 2) (with cameras)
Photogrammetry test, Krista Benson 02/28/2018, Mark2 5D, 24mm lens,resolution 5616x3744, 1/85th sec, f/16, ISO 200, Grid Shooting style hand held, in studio strobe lights

Egyptian Engraving (Version 1) (with cameras)
Arc/k Photogrammetry Training Materials Notes: Photogrammetry test, Ken Stranahan, 02/28/2018, Galaxy S8, JPG images, half dome grid style shooting no added lights, hand held. room lights appear to be florescent, no color correction done to images

Cross of San Clemente (Version 2) (with cameras)
Arc/k Teaching Materials This model is a work in progress. Image donations to help complete this model can be made at St. Clement’s Cross marks the spot where the first mass was officiated in South America…

Coco Chocolatero con Escena Mitológica (with cameras)
Arc/k Photogrammetry Training Materials Coco Chocolatera at Quinta de Anauco (1797). Located at the Colonial Art Museum at Anauco House in Caracas, Venezuela. Photo registry by Luis Chacín in April 2018.

Coco Chocolatero con Escena Mitológica (Version 2) (with cameras)
Arc/k Photogrammetry Training Materials Coco Chocolatera at Quinta de Anauco (1797). Located at the Colonial Art Museum at Anauco House in Caracas, Venezuela. Photo registry by Luis Chacín in April 2018.