Jarrón Chino de la Dinastía Ming
This container is a jar, made during the Ming Dynasty (1573-1620). It is characterized by being narrow at its ends and thickened at the upper part of the body. Elaborated in white porcelain with decorations of flowers and leaves in cobalt blue. The mouth of…

La Cochera at Quinta de Anauco
La Cochera (The Garage) at Quinta de Anauco (1797). Located at the Colonial Art Museum at Anauco House in Caracas, Venezuela. Photo registry by Luis Chacín on September 9, 2017.

Museum Partnerships
US Naval Undersea Museum, Colonial Art Museum of Caracas at Quinta de Anauco, Museum of Contemporary Art of Zulia

Nicho Para Niño Jesús
Wood carved, sgraffito and gilded. The piece has a parallelepiped shape, on 4 carved legs. Four faces are glass, the front face is carved with stylized vegetables simulating a column. The lateral faces are sgraffito as well the back cover on its inner side…